W’ve been seeing a lot of buzz about Crypto Kittens. What exactly are they? How do I buy one? Should I invest in Crypto Kitties? This article will answer all of those questions and more, so you can make an informed decision on whether or not investing in Crypto Kitties is right for you.
What is crypto kitty
Crypto Kitty is a digital cat that you can buy and sell. Each kitty is unique, just like physical cats. You can even breed two of your own to make new kitties! You can also trade them on the marketplace for more money, or even throw one away if you want!
The benefits of crypto-kitties are many: They’re adorable! They make great companionship for those with no other friends (in case none of your friends would want a crypto-kitty). You can use them as fertilizer after they die if you don’t have any use for them anymore (though this may be difficult if they have any value).
How to buy kitties
To invest in crypto kitties, you must first go to cryptokitty.co. This is the official website of CryptoKitties, where all CryptoKitties transactions take place.
Upon arriving at the site, you will be greeted by a gallery of beautiful kitty images and their descriptions (in some cases these are humorous and/or punny). You can scroll through these kitties until you find one that speaks to your soul. If you like it, select it and then proceed with the next steps: Enter the amount of Ethers (ETH) which would like to spend on this particular kitty. The minimum amount is 0.001 ETH; however if your budget is smaller than this amount then there will likely be no CryptoKitty available for sale at such a low price point!
How to invest in kitties
The most straightforward method of investing in Crypto Kitties is to buy, sell, and breed them. If you want to invest in a Crypto Kitty that you can later sell for more money, the most straightforward way of doing so is by purchasing one or more of these digital felines from the marketplace.
You need only click “Buy” next to a particular kitty on their page and wait for your payment to be processed before it will become available for your ownership. Once this process has been completed successfully, you’ll have free reign over the assets contained within your Crypto Kitty portfolio!
While there are other methods of investing in crypto kitties—such as reproduction (creating additional copies) or auctioning off an existing asset—the easiest way involves simply buying one outright at whatever price point seems reasonable at any given time.
Why should I buy a kitty?
If you want to buy your first kitty, there are a few things to consider. First, are you going to keep it? That’s up to you. If so, make sure that the one you pick is one of the rarest and most expensive. This will ensure that its value will go up over time. Second, how much money do you have available for this purchase? Kitties cost anywhere from $5 USD all the way up into six figures—so make sure that whatever amount of cash flow goal you set yourself is realistic enough for what type of investment strategy you’re going with!
Finally: why should I invest in crypto kitties? First off—because they’re collectible! They’re like Pokémon cards but 100% digital and also actually valuable (if bought right). But secondly—you don’t even have to be a collector! You can just sell them back at any time and use that profit as an excuse not only for buying another one but also taking care of yourself while doing so – because who doesn’t like treating themselves once in awhile 🙂
This is an exciting time to be a crypto cat collector. You can buy cute little kittens, breed them, and sell them at a profit. But how do you get started? To find out, we interviewed CryptoKitties co-founder Mack Flavelle. Why should I get into the crypto kitty game?
In summary, crypto kitties is an exciting and fun game that allows you to invest in virtual cats. The more you play the more money you can make from your investment.